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Technical Glossary

UL 94, the Safety Standard for Flammability of Plastic Materials in Components for Devices and Appliances, includes multiple flame classifications that determine the burning characteristics of different plastics.

UL 94 Flame Classifications:

Professional Plastics offers materials with one of six classifications specified under UL 94. These classifications, listed in descending order within three categories, are used to assess a material’s response to exposure to a controlled flame in a laboratory setting. The classifications (UL 94, 5VA, 5VB, V-0, V-1, V-2, HB) help to evaluate the burning properties of materials used in electronic enclosures, structural parts, and insulators.

  • UL 94 V-0 Vertical Burn: Burning ceases within 10 seconds; no flaming drips allowed.
  • UL 94 V-1 Vertical Burn: Burning ceases within 60 seconds; no flaming drips allowed.
  • UL 94 V-2 Vertical Burn: Burning ceases within 60 seconds; flaming drips are allowed.
  • UL 94 H-B Horizontal Burn: Slow horizontal burn test. HB-rated materials are considered “self-extinguishing” and have the lowest (least flame-retardant) classification under UL 94.

Horizontal vs. Vertical Testing:

Plastic samples are positioned either horizontally or vertically during testing, depending on the requirements. The samples are exposed to a specified ignition source for a defined period. For the horizontal burn test (HB), the flame is only applied once, while for vertical burn tests, it is applied at least twice.

  • Horizontal Burn (HB) rating signifies that the material burns slower than the maximum specified rate when tested horizontally.
  • Vertical Ratings (V-2, V-1, V-0) indicate that the material, when tested in a vertical position, extinguished itself within the required time after removing the ignition source. These ratings also note if the material dripped flaming particles that could ignite a cotton indicator below the test sample. In the 5VA and 5VB tests, the flame is applied up to five times to determine a material’s resistance to continued burning or flame propagation.

Differences in Test Methods and Criteria:

For enclosures, structural parts, and insulators used in consumer electronic products, plastic materials are assigned ratings such as 5VA, 5VB, V-0, V-1, V-2, or HB. Materials classified as 5VA or 5VB undergo more severe testing—approximately five times more intense—compared to the V-0, V-1, V-2, and HB tests. Importantly, no flaming particles should drip from 5VA or 5VB rated samples.

IP Ratings consist of the letters IP (Ingress Protection), which are then followed by two digits. The higher the number after IP, the better the protection against foreign bodies. Sometimes a number is replaced by an ‘X’, this indicates that the enclosure is not yet rated for that specification. There are also several other letters that can be used after the IP rating which signifies other protection levels.

Deutsch English French Spanish Italian Dutch
RAL 1000 Grünbeige Green beige Beige vert Beige verdoso Beige verdastro Groenbeige
RAL 1001 Beige Beige Beige Beige Beige Beige
RAL 1002 Sandgelb Sand yellow Jaune sable Amarillo arena Giallo sabbia Zandgeel
RAL 1003 Signalgelb Signal yellow Jaune de sécurité Amarillo señales Giallo segnale Signaalgeel
RAL 1004 Goldgelb Golden yellow Jaune or Amarillo oro Giallo oro Goudgeel
RAL 1005 Honiggelb Honey yellow Jaune miel Amarillo miel Giallo miele Honinggeel
RAL 1006 Maisgelb Maize yellow Jaune maïs Amarillo maiz Giallo polenta Maisgeel
RAL 1007 Narzissengelb Daffodil yellow Jaune narcisse Amarillo narciso Giallo narciso Narcissengeel
RAL 1011 Braunbeige Brown beige Beige brun Beige pardo Beige marrone Bruinbeige
RAL 1012 Zitronengelb Lemon yellow Jaune citron Amarillo limón Giallo limone Citroengeel
RAL 1013 Perlweiß Oyster white Blanc perlé Blanco perla Bianco perla Parelwit
RAL 1014 Elfenbein Ivory Ivoire Marfil Avorio Ivoorkleurig
RAL 1015 Hellelfenbein Light ivory Ivoire clair Marfil claro Avorio chiaro Licht ivoorkleurig
RAL 1016 Schwefelgelb Sulfur yellow Jaune soufre Amarillo azufre Giallo zolfo Zwavelgeel
RAL 1017 Safrangelb Saffron yellow Jaune safran Amarillo azafrán Giallo zafferano Saffraangeel
RAL 1018 Zinkgelb Zinc yellow Jaune zinc Amarillo de zinc Giallo zinco Zinkgeel
RAL 1019 Graubeige Grey beige Beige gris Beige agrisado Beige grigiastro Grijsbeige
RAL 1020 Olivgelb Olive yellow Jaune olive Amarillo oliva Giallo olivastro Olijfgeel
RAL 1021 Rapsgelb Rape yellow Jaune colza Amarillo colza Giallo navone Koolzaadgeel
RAL 1023 Verkehrsgelb Traffic yellow Jaune signalisation Amarillo tráfico Giallo traffico Verkeersgeel
RAL 1024 Ockergelb Ochre yellow Jaune ocre Amarillo ocre Giallo ocra Okergeel
RAL 1026 Leuchtgelb Luminous yellow Jaune brillant Amarillo brillante Giallo brillante Briljantgeel
RAL 1027 Currygelb Curry Jaune curry Amarillo curry Giallo curry Kerriegeel
RAL 1028 Melonengelb Melon yellow Jaune melon Amarillo melón Giallo melone Meloengeel
RAL 1032 Ginstergelb Broom yellow Jaune genêt Amarillo retama Giallo scopa Bremgeel
RAL 1033 Dahliengelb Dahlia yellow Jaune dahlia Amarillo dalia Giallo dahlien Dahliageel
RAL 1034 Pastellgelb Pastel yellow Jaune pastel Amarillo pastel Giallo pastello Pastelgeel
RAL 1035 Perlbeige Pearl beige Beige nacré Beige perlado Beige perlato Parelmoergrijs
RAL 1036 Perlgold Pearl gold Or nacré Oro perlado Oro perlato Parelmoergoud
RAL 1037 Sonnengelb Sun yellow Jaune soleil Amarillo sol Giallo sole Zonnegeel
RAL 2000 Gelborange Yellow orange Orangé jaune Amarillo naranja Arancio giallastro Geeloranje
RAL 2001 Rotorange Red orange Orangé rouge Rojo anaranjado Arancio rossastro Roodoranje
RAL 2002 Blutorange Vermilion Orangé sang Naranja sanguineo Arancio sanguigno Vermiljoen
RAL 2003 Pastellorange Pastel orange Orangé pastel Naranja pálido Arancio pastello Pasteloranje
RAL 2004 Reinorange Pure orange Orangé pur Naranja puro Arancio puro Zuiver oranje
RAL 2005 Leuchtorange Luminous orange Orangé brillant Naranja brillante Arancio brillante Briljantoranje
RAL 2007 Leuchthellorange Luminous bright orange Orangé clair brillant Naranja claro brillante Arancio chiaro brillante Briljant lichtoranje
RAL 2008 Hellrotorange Bright red orange Orangé rouge clair Rojo claro anaranjado Rosso arancio chiaro Licht roodoranje
RAL 2009 Verkehrsorange Traffic orange Orangé signalisation Naranja tráfico Arancio traffico Verkeersoranje
RAL 2010 Signalorange Signal orange Orangé de sécurité Naranja señales Arancio segnale Signaaloranje
RAL 2011 Tieforange Deep orange Orangé foncé Naranja intenso Arancio profondo Dieporanje
RAL 2012 Lachsorange Salmon orange Orangé saumon Naranja salmón Arancio salmone Zalmoranje
RAL 2013 Perlorange Pearl orange Orangé nacré Naranja perlado Arancio perlato Parelmoeroranje
RAL 3000 Feuerrot Flame red Rouge feu Rojo vivo Rosso fuoco Vuurrood
RAL 3001 Signalrot Signal red Rouge de sécurité Rojo señales Rosso segnale Signaalrood
RAL 3002 Karminrot Carmine red Rouge carmin Rojo carmin Rosso carminio Karmijnrood
RAL 3003 Rubinrot Ruby red Rouge rubis Rojo rubí Rosso rubino Robijnrood
RAL 3004 Purpurrot Purple red Rouge pourpre Rojo purpura Rosso porpora Purperrood
RAL 3005 Weinrot Wine red Rouge vin Rojo vino Rosso vino Wijnrood
RAL 3007 Schwarzrot Black red Rouge noir Rojo negruzco Rosso nerastro Zwartrood
RAL 3009 Oxidrot Oxide red Rouge oxyde Rojo óxido Rosso ossido Oxyderood
RAL 3011 Braunrot Brown red Rouge brun Rojo pardo Rosso marrone Bruinrood
RAL 3012 Beigerot Beige red Rouge beige Rojo beige Rosso beige Beigerood
RAL 3013 Tomatenrot Tomato red Rouge tomate Rojo tomate Rosso pomodoro Tomaatrood
RAL 3014 Altrosa Antique pink Vieux rose Rojo viejo Rosa antico Oudroze
RAL 3015 Hellrosa Light pink Rose clair Rosa claro Rosa chiaro Lichtroze
RAL 3016 Korallenrot Coral red Rouge corail Rojo coral Rosso corallo Koraalrood
RAL 3017 Rosé Rose Rosé Rosa Rosato Bleekrood
RAL 3018 Erdbeerrot Strawberry red Rouge fraise Rojo fresa Rosso fragola Aardbeirood
RAL 3020 Verkehrsrot Traffic red Rouge signalisation Rojo tráfico Rosso traffico Verkeersrood
RAL 3022 Lachsrot Salmon pink Rouge saumon Rojo salmón Rosso salmone Zalmrood
RAL 3024 Leuchtrot Luminous red Rouge brillant Rojo brillante Rosso brillante Briljantrood
RAL 3026 Leuchthellrot Luminous bright red Rouge clair brillant Rojo claro brillante Rosso chiaro brillante Briljant lichtrood
RAL 3027 Himbeerrot Raspberry red Rouge framboise Rojo frambuesa Rosso lampone Framboosrood
RAL 3031 Orientrot Orient red Rouge oriental Rojo oriente Rosso oriente Oriëntrood
RAL 3032 Perlrubinrot Pearl ruby red Rouge rubis nacré Rojo rubí perlado Rosso rubino perlato Parelmoerdonkerrood
RAL 3033 Perlrosa Pearl pink Rose nacré Rosa perlado Rosa perlato Parelmoerlichtrood
RAL 4001 Rotlila Red lilac Lilas rouge Rojo lila Lilla rossastro Roodlila
RAL 4002 Rotviolett Red violet Violet rouge Rojo violeta Viola rossastro Roodpaars
RAL 4003 Erikaviolett Heather violet Violet bruyère Violeta érica Viola erica Heidepaars
RAL 4004 Bordeauxviolett Claret violet Violet bordeaux Burdeos Viola bordeaux Bordeuaxpaars
RAL 4005 Blaulila Blue lilac Lilas bleu Lila azulado Lilla bluastro Blauwlila
RAL 4006 Verkehrspurpur Traffic purple Pourpre signalisation Púrpurá tráfico Porpora traffico Verkeerspurper
RAL 4007 Purpurviolett Purple violet Violet pourpre Violeta púrpura Porpora violetto Purperviolet
RAL 4008 Signalviolett Signal violet Violet de sécurité Violeta señales Violetto segnale Signaalviolet
RAL 4009 Pastellviolett Pastel violet Violet pastel Violeta pastel Violetto pastello Pastelviolet
RAL 4010 Telemagenta Telemagenta Telemagenta Magenta tele Tele Magenta Telemagenta
RAL 4011 Perlviolett Pearl violet Violet nacré Violeta perlado Violetto perlato Parelmoerdonkerviolet
RAL 4012 Perlbrombeer Pearl blackberry Mûre nacré Morado perlado Mora perlato Parelmoerlichtviolet
RAL 5000 Violettblau Violet blue Bleu violet Azul violeta Blu violaceo Paarsblauw
RAL 5001 Grünblau Green blue Bleu vert Azul verdoso Blu verdastro Groenblauw
RAL 5002 Ultramarinblau Ultramarine blue Bleu outremer Azul ultramar Blu oltremare Ultramarijnblauw
RAL 5003 Saphirblau Sapphire blue Bleu saphir Azul zafiro Blu zaffiro Saffierblauw
RAL 5004 Schwarzblau Black blue Bleu noir Azul negruzco Blu nerastro Zwartblauw
RAL 5005 Signalblau Signal blue Bleu de sécurité Azul señales Blu segnale Signaalblauw
RAL 5007 Brillantblau Brillant blue Bleu brillant Azul brillante Blu brillante Briljantblauw
RAL 5008 Graublau Grey blue Bleu gris Azul grisáceo Blu grigiastro Grijsblauw
RAL 5009 Azurblau Azure blue Bleu azur Azul azur Blu azzurro Azuurblauw
RAL 5010 Enzianblau Gentian blue Bleu gentiane Azul genciana Blu genziana Gentiaanblauw
RAL 5011 Stahlblau Steel blue Bleu acier Azul acero Blu acciaio Staalblauw
RAL 5012 Lichtblau Light blue Bleu clair Azul luminoso Blu luce Lichtblauw
RAL 5013 Kobaltblau Cobalt blue Bleu cobalt Azul cobalto Blu cobalto Kobaltblauw
RAL 5014 Taubenblau Pigeon blue Bleu pigeon Azul colombino Blu colomba Duifblauw
RAL 5015 Himmelblau Sky blue Bleu ciel Azul celeste Blu cielo Hemelsblauw
RAL 5017 Verkehrsblau Traffic blue Bleu signalisation Azul tráfico Blu traffico Verkeersblauw
RAL 5018 Türkisblau Turquoise blue Bleu turquoise Azul turquesa Blu turchese Turkooisblauw
RAL 5019 Capriblau Capri blue Bleu capri Azul capri Blu Capri Capriblauw
RAL 5020 Ozeanblau Ocean blue Bleu océan Azul oceano Blu oceano Oceaanblauw
RAL 5021 Wasserblau Water blue Bleu d’eau Azul agua Blu acqua Waterblauw
RAL 5022 Nachtblau Night blue Bleu nocturne Azul noche Blu notte Nachtblauw
RAL 5023 Fernblau Distant blue Bleu distant Azul lejanía Blu distante Verblauw
RAL 5024 Pastellblau Pastel blue Bleu pastel Azul pastel Blu pastello Pastelblauw
RAL 5025 Perlenzian Pearl gentian blue Gentiane nacré Gencian perlado Blu genziana perlato Parelmoerblauw
RAL 5026 Perlnachtblau Pearl night blue Bleu nuit nacré Azul noche perlado Blu notte perlato Parelmoernachtblauw
RAL 6000 Patinagrün Patina green Vert patine Verde patina Verde patina Patinagroen
RAL 6001 Smaragdgrün Emerald green Vert émeraude Verde esmeralda Verde smeraldo Smaragdgroen
RAL 6002 Laubgrün Leaf green Vert feuillage Verde hoja Verde foglia Loofgroen
RAL 6003 Olivgrün Olive green Vert olive Verde oliva Verde oliva Olijfgroen
RAL 6004 Blaugrün Blue green Vert bleu Verde azulado Verde bluastro Blauwgroen
RAL 6005 Moosgrün Moss green Vert mousse Verde musgo Verde muschio Mosgroen
RAL 6006 Grauoliv Grey olive Olive gris Oliva grisáceo Oliva grigiastro Grijs olijfgroen
RAL 6007 Flaschengrün Bottle green Vert bouteille Verde botella Verde bottiglia Flessegroen
RAL 6008 Braungrün Brown green Vert brun Verde parduzco Verde brunastro Bruingroen
RAL 6009 Tannengrün Fir green Vert sapin Verde abeto Verde abete Dennegroen
RAL 6010 Grasgrün Grass green Vert herbe Verde hierba Verde erba Grasgroen
RAL 6011 Resedagrün Reseda green Vert réséda Verde reseda Verde reseda Resedagroen
RAL 6012 Schwarzgrün Black green Vert noir Verde negruzco Verde nerastro Zwartgroen
RAL 6013 Schilfgrün Reed green Vert jonc Verde caña Verde canna Rietgroen
RAL 6014 Gelboliv Yellow olive Olive jaune Amarillo oliva Oliva giallastro Geel olijfgroen
RAL 6015 Schwarzoliv Black olive Olive noir Oliva negruzco Oliva nerastro Zwart olijfgroen
RAL 6016 Türkisgrün Turquoise green Vert turquoise Verde turquesa Verde turchese Turkooisgroen
RAL 6017 Maigrün May green Vert mai Verde mayo Verde maggio Meigroen
RAL 6018 Gelbgrün Yellow green Vert jaune Verde amarillento Verde giallastro Geelgroen
RAL 6019 Weißgrün Pastel green Vert blanc Verde blanquecino Verde biancastro Witgroen
RAL 6020 Chromoxidgrün Chrome green Vert oxyde chromique Verde cromo Verde cromo Chroomoxydegroen
RAL 6021 Blaßgrün Pale green Vert pâle Verde pálido Verde pallido Bleekgroen
RAL 6022 Braunoliv Olive drab Olive brun Oliva parduzco Oliva brunastro Bruin olijfgroen
RAL 6024 Verkehrsgrün Traffic green Vert signalisation Verde tráfico Verde traffico Verkeersgroen
RAL 6025 Farngrün Fern green Vert fougère Verde helecho Verde felce Varengroen
RAL 6026 Opalgrün Opal green Vert opale Verde opalo Verde opale Opaalgroen
RAL 6027 Lichtgrün Light green Vert clair Verde luminoso Verde chiaro Lichtgroen
RAL 6028 Kieferngrün Pine green Vert pin Verde pino Verde pino Pijnboomgroen
RAL 6029 Minzgrün Mint green Vert menthe Verde menta Verde menta Mintgroen
RAL 6032 Signalgrün Signal green Vert de sécurité Verde señales Verde segnale Signaalgroen
RAL 6033 Minttürkis Mint turquoise Turquoise menthe Turquesa menta Turchese menta Mintturquoise
RAL 6034 Pastelltürkis Pastel turquoise Turquoise pastel Turquesa pastel Turchese pastello Pastelturquoise
RAL 6035 Perlgrün Pearl green Vert nacré Verde perlado Verde perlato Parelmoerdonkergroen
RAL 6036 Perlopalgrün Pearl opal green Vert opal nacré Verde ópalo perlado Verde opalo perlato Parelmoerlichtgroen
RAL 7000 Fehgrau Squirrel grey Gris petit-gris Gris ardilla Grigio vaio Pelsgrijs
RAL 7001 Silbergrau Silver grey Gris argent Gris plata Grigio argento Zilvergrijs
RAL 7002 Olivgrau Olive grey Gris olive Gris oliva Grigio olivastro Olijfgrijs
RAL 7003 Moosgrau Moss grey Gris mousse Gris musgo Grigio muschio Mosgrijs
RAL 7004 Signalgrau Signal grey Gris de sécurité Gris señales Grigio segnale Signaalgrijs
RAL 7005 Mausgrau Mouse grey Gris souris Gris ratón Grigio topo Muisgrijs
RAL 7006 Beigegrau Beige grey Gris beige Gris beige Grigio beige Beigegrijs
RAL 7008 Khakigrau Khaki grey Gris kaki Gris caqui Grigio kaki Kakigrijs
RAL 7009 Grüngrau Green grey Gris vert Gris verdoso Grigio verdastro Groengrijs
RAL 7010 Zeltgrau Tarpaulin grey Gris tente Gris lona Grigio tenda Zeildoekgrijs
RAL 7011 Eisengrau Iron grey Gris fer Gris hierro Grigio ferro Ijzergrijs
RAL 7012 Basaltgrau Basalt grey Gris basalte Gris basalto Grigio basalto Bazaltgrijs
RAL 7013 Braungrau Brown grey Gris brun Gris parduzco Grigio brunastro Bruingrijs
RAL 7015 Schiefergrau Slate grey Gris ardoise Gris pizarra Grigio ardesia Leigrijs
RAL 7016 Anthrazitgrau Anthracite grey Gris anthracite Gris antracita Grigio antracite Antracietgrijs
RAL 7021 Schwarzgrau Black grey Gris noir Gris negruzco Grigio nerastro Zwartgrijs
RAL 7022 Umbragrau Umbra grey Gris terre d’ombre Gris sombra Grigio ombra Ombergrijs
RAL 7023 Betongrau Concrete grey Gris béton Gris hormigón Grigio calcestruzzo Betongrijs
RAL 7024 Graphitgrau Graphite grey Gris graphite Gris grafita Grigio grafite Grafietgrijs
RAL 7026 Granitgrau Granite grey Gris granit Gris granito Grigio granito Granietgrijs
RAL 7030 Steingrau Stone grey Gris pierre Gris piedra Grigio pietra Steengrijs
RAL 7031 Blaugrau Blue grey Gris bleu Gris azulado Grigio bluastro Blauwgrijs
RAL 7032 Kieselgrau Pebble grey Gris silex Gris guijarro Grigio ghiaia Kiezelgrijs
RAL 7033 Zementgrau Cement grey Gris ciment Gris cemento Grigio cemento Cementgrijs
RAL 7034 Gelbgrau Yellow grey Gris jaune Gris amarillento Grigio giallastro Geelgrijs
RAL 7035 Lichtgrau Light grey Gris clair Gris luminoso Grigio luce Lichtgrijs
RAL 7036 Platingrau Platinum grey Gris platine Gris platino Grigio platino Platinagrijs
RAL 7037 Staubgrau Dusty grey Gris poussière Gris polvo Grigio polvere Stofgrijs
RAL 7038 Achatgrau Agate grey Gris agate Gris ágata Grigio agata Agaatgrijs
RAL 7039 Quarzgrau Quartz grey Gris quartz Gris cuarzo Grigio quarzo Kwartsgrijs
RAL 7040 Fenstergrau Window grey Gris fenêtre Gris ventana Grigio finestra Venstergrijs
RAL 7042 Verkehrsgrau A Traffic grey A Gris signalisation A Gris tráfico A Grigio traffico A Verkeersgrijs A
RAL 7043 Verkehrsgrau B Traffic grey B Gris signalisation B Gris tráfico B Grigio traffico B Verkeersgrijs B
RAL 7044 Seidengrau Silk grey Gris soie Gris seda Grigio seta Zijdegrijs
RAL 7045 Telegrau 1 Telegrey 1 Telegris 1 Gris tele 1 Tele grigio 1 Telegrijs 1
RAL 7046 Telegrau 2 Telegrey 2 Telegris 2 Gris tele 2 Tele grigio 2 Telegrijs 2
RAL 7047 Telegrau 4 Telegrey 4 Telegris 4 Gris tele 4 Tele grigio 4 Telegrijs 4
RAL 7048 Perlmausgrau Pearl mouse grey Gris souris nacré Gris musgo perlado Grigio topo perlato Parelmoermuisgrijs
RAL 8000 Grünbraun Green brown Brun vert Pardo verdoso Marrone verdastro Groenbruin
RAL 8001 Ockerbraun Ochre brown Brun terre de Sienne Pardo ocre Marrone ocra Okerbruin
RAL 8002 Signalbraun Signal brown Brun de sécurité Marrón señales Marrone segnale Signaalbruin
RAL 8003 Lehmbraun Clay brown Brun argile Pardo arcilla Marrone fango Leembruin
RAL 8004 Kupferbraun Copper brown Brun cuivré Pardo cobre Marrone rame Koperbruin
RAL 8007 Rehbraun Fawn brown Brun fauve Pardo corzo Marrone capriolo Reebruin
RAL 8008 Olivbraun Olive brown Brun olive Pardo oliva Marrone oliva Olijfbruin
RAL 8011 Nußbraun Nut brown Brun noisette Pardo nuez Marrone noce Notebruin
RAL 8012 Rotbraun Red brown Brun rouge Pardo rojo Marrone rossiccio Roodbruin
RAL 8014 Sepiabraun Sepia brown Brun sépia Sepia Marrone seppia Sepiabruin
RAL 8015 Kastanienbraun Chestnut brown Marron Castaño Marrone castagna Kastanjebruin
RAL 8016 Mahagonibraun Mahogany brown Brun acajou Caoba Marrone mogano Mahoniebruin
RAL 8017 Schokoladenbraun Chocolate brown Brun chocolat Chocolate Marrone cioccolata Chocoladebruin
RAL 8019 Graubraun Grey brown Brun gris Pardo grisáceo Marrone grigiastro Grijsbruin
RAL 8022 Schwarzbraun Black brown Brun noir Pardo negruzco Marrone nerastro Zwartbruin
RAL 8023 Orangebraun Orange brown Brun orangé Pardo anaranjado Marrone arancio Oranjebruin
RAL 8024 Beigebraun Beige brown Brun beige Pardo beige Marrone beige Beigebruin
RAL 8025 Blaßbraun Pale brown Brun pâle Pardo pálido Marrone pallido Bleekbruin
RAL 8028 Terrabraun Terra brown Brun terre Marrón tierra Marrone terra Terrabruin
RAL 8029 Perlkupfer Pearl copper Cuivre nacré Cobre perlado Rame perlato Parelmoerkoper
RAL 9001 Cremeweiß Cream Blanc crème Blanco crema Bianco crema Crèmewit
RAL 9002 Grauweiß Grey white Blanc gris Blanco grisáceo Bianco grigiastro Grijswit
RAL 9003 Signalweiß Signal white Blanc de sécurité Blanco señales Bianco segnale Signaalwit
RAL 9004 Signalschwarz Signal black Noir de sécurité Negro señales Nero segnale Signaalzwart
RAL 9005 Tiefschwarz Jet black Noir foncé Negro intenso Nero intenso Gitzwart
RAL 9006 Weißaluminium White aluminium Aluminium blanc Aluminio blanco Alluminio brillante Blank aluminiumkleurig
RAL 9007 Graualuminium Grey aluminium Aluminium gris Aluminio gris Alluminio grigiastro Grijs aluminiumkleurig
RAL 9010 Reinweiß Pure white Blanc pur Blanco puro Bianco puro Zuiver wit
RAL 9011 Graphitschwarz Graphite black Noir graphite Negro grafito Nero grafite Grafietzwart
RAL 9016 Verkehrsweiß Traffic white Blanc signalisation Blanco tráfico Bianco traffico Verkeersswit
RAL 9017 Verkehrsschwarz Traffic black Noir signalisation Negro tráfico Nero traffico Verkeerszwart
RAL 9018 Papyrusweiß Papyrus white Blanc papyrus Blanco papiro Bianco papiro Papyruswit
RAL 9022 Perlhellgrau Pearl light grey Gris clair nacré Gris claro perlado Grigio chiaro perlato Parelmoerlichtgrijs
RAL 9023 Perldunkelgrau Pearl dark grey nçé nacré Gris oscuro perlado Grigio scuro perlato Parelmoerdonkergrijs

REACH Compliance: Ensuring Safety and Sustainability in Chemicals Management

What is REACH?
REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals, a European Union regulation designed to protect human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals. It was introduced under Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 and applies to all EU member states.

What are the Goals of REACH?
REACH has several objectives that aim to create a safer and more sustainable approach to chemicals management:

  1. Protecting Human Health and the Environment:
    REACH regulates the use of chemical substances, requiring manufacturers and importers to identify and manage risks. By limiting exposure to hazardous chemicals, REACH ensures the safety of consumers, workers, and the environment.

  2. Encouraging the Use of Safer Alternatives:
    REACH promotes the substitution of dangerous substances with safer alternatives, fostering innovation and sustainable practices in industries that handle chemicals.

  3. Improving Chemicals Transparency:
    REACH requires businesses to register information about the chemicals they produce or import in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year. This transparency enables better risk management and informed decision-making.

  4. Facilitating a Harmonized Regulatory Framework:
    As an EU-wide regulation, REACH provides consistent rules for managing chemicals across all member states, simplifying compliance for companies operating internationally.

What Does REACH Compliance Mean?
REACH compliance means that a company adheres to the standards set by the regulation, ensuring the safe use, handling, and disposal of chemical substances. Companies must demonstrate that their products do not pose unacceptable risks to human health or the environment.

Why is REACH Compliance Important?

  1. Health and Safety:
    REACH reduces the risks associated with exposure to hazardous chemicals for consumers and workers. This is crucial for creating safer work environments and healthier communities.

  2. Environmental Protection:
    By restricting harmful substances, REACH minimizes environmental pollution and contributes to a more sustainable future.

  3. Market Access:
    Compliance with REACH is mandatory for companies selling products within the EU, ensuring uninterrupted market access.

  4. Enhanced Credibility:
    Demonstrating REACH compliance signals a company’s commitment to responsible chemicals management, enhancing reputation and trust with clients and partners.

The Benefits of REACH Compliance

  • Increased Consumer Confidence: REACH-compliant products inspire trust among consumers and business partners, showing a commitment to safety and sustainability.
  • Innovation and Sustainability: The regulation drives innovation by encouraging the development of safer, eco-friendly alternatives.
  • Legal and Trade Advantages: Compliance ensures seamless business operations in the EU market and reduces the risk of regulatory penalties.
  • Safer Products and Processes: Adhering to REACH standards results in better product quality and safer manufacturing practices.

Towards a Safer and More Sustainable Future with REACH
At Kang Yang Europe B.V., we are committed to meeting REACH requirements to protect human health and the environment. By ensuring compliance, we contribute to a safer and more sustainable future while providing products that our clients can trust.

Together, let’s create a healthier and more responsible industry!

RoHS Compliance: Promoting Safety and Sustainability in Electronics

What is RoHS?
RoHS stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, a European directive established to limit the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

What are the Goals of RoHS?
RoHS has several key objectives that contribute to a safer and more sustainable electronics industry:

  1. Limiting Exposure to Hazardous Substances:
    RoHS focuses on reducing the use of six hazardous substances in electronic equipment: lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). By limiting exposure to these substances, RoHS enhances the safety of both users and workers within the electronics industry.
  2. Promoting Sustainability:
    RoHS reduces the environmental impact of electronics by limiting harmful substances, encouraging the use of alternative materials, and promoting a more sustainable industry. These substances can harm the environment during production and disposal, so replacing them with safer alternatives reduces negative impacts on the planet.
  3. Harmonizing Regulations:
    As a European directive, RoHS applies to all EU member states, providing unified regulations that ease the trade of electronic equipment across borders. This harmonization supports smoother business operations across the EU.

RoHS requirements are outlined in Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and the Council from June 8, 2011, concerning the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

What Does RoHS Compliance Mean?
RoHS compliance indicates that an electronic device meets the requirements of the RoHS directive. This means it does not contain hazardous substances above the allowable levels. Manufacturers are responsible for ensuring their products meet RoHS compliance standards before entering the market.

RoHS compliance is essential for several reasons:

  • User/Worker Safety: Limiting hazardous substances improves the safety of users and workers in the electronics industry. These substances can pose serious health risks, such as poisoning or cancer. Choosing RoHS-compliant equipment helps reduce these risks.
  • Environmental Protection: Hazardous substances have harmful environmental effects during both production and disposal. Selecting RoHS-compliant equipment supports a more sustainable electronics industry and minimizes environmental impact.

What are the Benefits of RoHS Compliance?
RoHS compliance offers various advantages for manufacturers, clients, and end-users:

  • Enhanced Reputation: Meeting RoHS compliance demonstrates a manufacturer’s commitment to product safety and sustainability, improving reputation and consumer trust.
  • Access to the European Market: RoHS compliance is mandatory to enter the EU market.
  • Better Product Quality: The compliance process involves a thorough analysis of supply chains and production processes, resulting in higher product quality and reliability.
  • Safer Work Environment: By restricting hazardous substances, RoHS contributes to a healthier and safer work environment for industry employees.

Towards a Sustainable Future with RoHS
RoHS compliance is essential for a sustainable future. By reducing hazardous substances in electronic equipment, Kang Yang Europe B.V. contributes and strives to a healthier planet for future generations.

Together we make the electronics industry safer and more sustainable!

Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs), are materials that combine the flexible properties of rubber with the ease of plastic processing. TPEs are made up of systems that mix hard and soft phases, either as blends, alloys, or copolymers . TPEs are effective in absorbing energy, making them ideal for reducing noise or vibration. One of the key features of TPEs is their adaptability; depending on how they are formulated, they can range from being extremely soft, like a gel, to as firm as hard plastics like polypropylene. For this reason, the measurement of “Hardness” is a critical factor when evaluating TPEs.

The Hardness of TPEs, also called Shore Hardness, is measured using a durometer gauge. This instrument measures the indentation of a spring loaded steel rod into the surface of a TPE sample. On the scale, higher numbers indicate high resistance to compression, indicating a high TPE hardness. On the other hand, lower numbers on the durometer scale indicate lower resistance to compression, meaning lower hardness of the material.

Shore hardness is an important factor to determine the correct Fan Mount Rivets (Kang Yang BUB series) and Anti Vibration Grommets (Kang Yang TGM series)

Material Details Suggested Temperature/Humidity Shelf Life
Plastic Typical Nylon 6/6 others 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-80% RH 3 years
Special case/moisture sensitive designs 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-80% RH 6 months
Adhesive taped plastic 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-80% RH 1 year
Metallic Standard electroplated 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-80% RH 3 years
Tin/solderability plated 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-80% RH 6 months
Rubber/Silicone Elastomeric compounds 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-60% RH 1 year
Elastomer + adhesive 5-40 degrees Celsius / 30-60% RH 6 months

Other notes:

  • Keep our product in original bags/packaging until ready to use
  • Yellowing / aging of the nylon after 1-2 years is normal and will not affect performance
  • Adhesive backed clips/products should ideally be kept within the range of 15-38 degrees C.
  • Nylon is Hygroscopic and will either gain or lose moisture depending upon the environment